
Empowering Brains Club


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Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week enters its next decade. Join us in celebrating Brain Awareness Week's Tenth Anniversary in North America, March 14-20, 2006.

Brain Awareness Week is an international effort organized by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives to advance public awareness about the progress and benefits of brain research. The Dana Alliance is joined in the campaign by partners in the United States and around the world, including medical and research organizations; patient advocacy groups; the National Institutes of Health, and other government agencies; service groups; hospitals and universities; K-12 schools; and professional organizations.


In Argentina Brain Awareness Week is coordinated by Maria Almeida from TWC International in the month of July


For information or advice about this exciting initiative,

Please contact Maria Almeida from TWC International Email: to receive information on how to organize a BAW event in your school, neighborhood or Community.


TWC International and The Dana Alliance offer teacher training and many resource materials for teachers to use with their students when they plan to participate at a BAW event.


Brain Awareness Week -- Resource Material


We will send you ideas for event themes and presentation, guidelines on publicity and writing press releases, and logos on brain-research.

. We will provide numerous ideas for the type of events that can be organized, how to find a venue and sources of funding.

One thing that sometimes concerns organizers is how to ensure they will attract a good audience. Request our publicity page explaining how to use your local media to publicize your event in association with Brain Awareness Week.

Please tell us about your plans too so that we can include your event on our website and in our national campaign.


Artwork is available to design your own posters and flyers with details of your events. These should be distributed two or three weeks before Brain Awareness Week in libraries, hotels and other public areas, including your own organization’s reception area. Request the resources entitled, 'Hints and tips about how to organize a Brain Awareness Week Event' by  E-mailing Maria Almeida at: BAWargentina@

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